32/64-bit CPU
>20MB free disk space
3rd Tools:
CMake v3.8 or newer version
clangd v11.0 or newer version
EDX + GCC v14.1 + Binutils 2.41 + GDB v14.2 + CMake v3.29.5 + Ninja v1.12.1 + clangd v18.1.1
Update: 2024-05-17
Private built version of gcc/binutils/mingw64-crt
EDX + LLVM-Mingw 18.1.7(with clangd) + GDB v13.2 + CMake v3.29.5 + Ninja v1.12.1
Update: 2024-05-17
Reduced version of LLVM-Mingw(without AArch64/Armv7 target support)
EDX + AirMCU/STM32Cube/GD32/XHSC SDK + arm-gcc-13.2.1 + GDB v14.2 + CMake v3.29.5 + Ninja-Build v1.12.1 +
clangd v18.1.1 + openocd 0.12.0 + pyocd 0.36.0
Update: 2024-05-17
EDX with the reduced version of arm-gcc-13.2.1 and AirMCU/STM32Cube/GD32/XHSC SDKs
AirMCU SDK also support Arduino mode.
EDX + Pico C-SDK + arm-gcc-13.2.1 + mingw64-gcc v13.2 + GDB v14.2 + CMake v3.29.5 +
Ninja-Build v1.12.1 + clangd v18.1.1 + openocd 0.12.0
Update: 2024-05-17
EDX with the reduced version of arm-gcc-13.2.1 and Pico C-SDKs
Separated Mingw toolset packages
Update: 2024-05-17
Binutils OPT versions was highly optimized by me. The performance of tools such as ld/ar/ranlib/strip/objcopy/objdump has been greatly improved
Download (required by xmake)
GDB v11.1 for Win7
(for Win7 users)
clangd v13 + CMake 3.21 + Ninja-Build 1.10
How to add a shortcuts on context menu in File Explorer?
Menu Bar > Help > Register the shell menu
How to add a shortcuts on context menu in File Explorer under Windows 11?
You must turn on the System Settings > Developer Mode > Install apps from any source option
Then execute following commands:
Run 'regsvr32 shell_ext.dll' in cmd.exe
Run 'powershell -command add-appxpackage -register appxmanifest.xml' to register the Application
How do I change the color scheme?
Menu bar > File > Edit Profile
Find the <style ...>...</style> node
window="light" for Light scheme,window="dark" for Dark scheme
How do I solve the problem of CMake project compilation failure after updating VS?
Menu Bar > CMake > Recreate build cache
How do I cancel a file search task that is in progress?
Double-click the search progress in the status bar to cancel the current search task
Or click the close button of the search dialog
How do I attach to a process for debugging?
For msvc target, you can achieve this by `windbg PID` command
For GCC target, you can achieve this by `gdb PID` command
What should I do if the system header file cannot be found in the SSH remote toolchain and there is no syntax prompt?
The system header file for the SSH remote toolchain needs to be downloaded
Open the toolchain management dialog
Select the corresponding remote toolchain and click the 'Download headers' button below
How do I make a Portable development environment with EDX?
By default, EDX configuration and user data are stored in the AppData/Local/ directory of the current user.
If the '.edx-data' directory exists in the edx home directory, this directory will be used instead of the user's AppData directory.
When EDX searches for a toolchain, it searches the 'toolsets' directory in the edx home directory, your toolchain(s) can be placed in this directory.
For details, please refer to the structure of the EDX with GCC/LLVM-MINGW packages.
Note: Only related tools such as mingw/llvm-mingw/cmake/xmake are supported
New file Ctrl + N
Open a file Ctrl + O
Open a directory Alt + O
Close current file Ctrl + F4
Save Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Save all files Ctrl + Shift + A
Move the cursor
Move the cursor(character) ←
Move the cursor(word) Ctrl + ←
Ctrl + →
Move to the beginning of the line Home
Move to the end of the line End
Move to previous/next line ↑
Move to first line Ctrl + Home
Move to last line Ctrl + End
Move to the corresponding parentheses Ctrl + ]
Move to the specified line Ctrl + G
Move to the previous editing position Ctrl + -
Move to the next editing position Ctrl + Shift + -
Select all Ctrl + A
Cancel select Esc
Extend selection(character) Shift + ←
Shift + →
Extend selection(word) Ctrl + Shift + ←
Ctrl + Shift + →
Extend selection to the begining of the line Shift + Home
Extend selection to the end of the line Shift + End
Extend selection to the corresponding parentheses Ctrl + Shift + ]
Select the word under the cursor Ctrl + W
Select line Alt + Shift + ←
Alt + Shift + →
Alt + Shift + ↑
Alt + Shift + ↓
Alt + Shift + Mouse left button click
Alt + Mouse left button dragging
Insert line Shift + Enter
Append line Ctrl + Enter
Delete Delete
Backspace Backspace
Delete the current line Shift + Delete
Delete the selection Delete (with selection)
Backspace (with selection)
Delete to next word Ctrl + Delete
Delete to previous word Ctrl + Backspace
Cut the line Ctrl + X
Cut the selection Ctrl + X (with selection)
Undo last operation Ctrl + Z
Redo last undo operation Ctrl + Y
Copy the current line Ctrl + C
Copy the selection Ctrl + C (with selection)
Paste Ctrl + V
Duplicate the entire line Ctrl + D
Duplicate the selection Ctrl + D (with selection)
Indent Tab (with selection)
Unindent Shift + Tab
Format Ctrl + K,Ctrl + F
Ctrl + K,F
Comment Ctrl + K,Ctrl + C
Ctrl + K,C
Uncomment Ctrl + K,Ctrl + U
Ctrl + K,U
Toggle comment Ctrl + /
To lower Ctrl + U
To upper Ctrl + Shift + U
Hot fix
(In the line with the error/diagnostic prompt)
Find and replace
Find Ctrl + F
Find in files Ctrl + Shift + F
Replace in files
(Substitution is only supported in files that have already been opened)
Find next F3
Find previous Shift + F3
Incremental searching Ctrl + I
Code completion and navigation
Show completion Alt + .
Show parameter hints Alt + ,
Jump to the header file Ctrl + Shift + G
Jump to Declaration/Definition F12
List the current file structure Ctrl + F12
Find the implementation Alt + F12
Find the reference Shift + F12
Locate the current file Alt + L
Locate the next issue Alt + N
Locate the previous issue Alt + Shift + N
Build current target Ctrl + B
Stop building Ctrl + Break
Ctrl + Pause
Build all Ctrl + Shift + B
Rebuild all Ctrl + Alt + F7
Build and run Ctrl + F5
Start to debug F5
Terminate the debuggee Shift + F5
Break the execution Ctrl + F9
Step over F10
Step in F11
Step out Shift + F11
Jump to another execution point Alt + F9 (Availible only for the current stack frames, which may cause an exception)
Toggle breakpoint F9
List all breakpoints Ctrl + Alt + B